
Double your Life Coach Salary with These Four Tips

Can you double your life coach salary by doing some simple things that escape most coaches? Those willing to learn how life coach marketing really works can, you bet.

If you’re serious about boosting your life coach salary by getting more clients, you’ll invest some energy implementing the unique steps in this post. Use the free resources provided. Follow along and take notes. You’ll learn a lot about the missing pieces in your coaching sales and marketing strategy. And you’ll discover why what you’ve been doing hasn’t worked.

As someone who trains life coaches and NLP practitioners for a living, I’ve seen many enthusiastically launch their coaching business. That’s the fun part. The not-so-fun part comes when you realize the highly anticipated life coach salary is hard to come by. At that point, you may wonder: Why does everything in life have to be so incredibly difficult!

Guess what? It doesn’t have to be so hard.

Stop pulling your hair out trying to get clients. And by all means, stop complaining about it! You are most likely going about your marketing ALL WRONG. All the stress and complaining in the world won’t do you any good unless you learn a marketing strategy that is specific to life coaching.

When you get your marketing approach right, I promise your chances of increasing your life coach salary will double. Of course, I don’t know your business and am not about to make an income claim. Still, I’ve seen people double their life coach salary without increasing their marketing budget or exposure, just by following the steps you’re about to learn.

I’ve also seen my own coaching practice double as I have implemented the steps in this post.

It’s not rocket science. And there’s no magic involved. You just need to educate yourself about the particular way life coaching should be positioned and marketed so that people will actually hire you.

In this industry, you create your own opportunity. A life coach salary is actually an entrepreneurial business venture in which you pay yourself. If you don’t get clients, you don’t get paid. If you get a ton of clients, you make a ton of money.

And this is where most life coaches fall down hard. Running a real business? Not what they signed up for. They want to coach. Most don’t know a thing about how to sell boutique services like life coaching. And it gets worse:

A vague (most people don’t understand what life coaches do) but highly specialized service like life coaching is different than an average consumer product. You’ve got to market and sell it in a way that makes the value obvious. Otherwise, no one will even consider hiring you!

But, there’s good news, too.

life coach salaryThere’s a solution to the self-created life coach salary problem.

When you get it, you’ll also see that selling life coaching and creating your own fat life coach salary doesn’t involve the typical sales tactics that make many of us uncomfortable.

Even if you have little or no experience in marketing, you can still succeed at creating a salary for yourself as a life coach.

Selling your services does not need to involve typical sales tactics. Most common sales methods represent the opposite of what works to create a vibrant life coach salary for yourself.

Increase your life coach salary with our NLP-Integrated Life Coach Training

Many thanks to Rebecca Tracey! Her coach marketing website, The Uncaged Life, is a unique resource for coaches and consultants who want to free themselves of all the hype and typical B.S. in the marketing industry and finally learn the simple methods that work to build an online business. Rebecca is giving our readers and students a great discount on her program of $50 Off! Just use the code: NLPROCKS

The iNLP Center ONLY shares coaching resources that we have personally experienced. We also require personal contact with the principals at every company we write about. The iNLP Center does not have an affiliate relationship with The Uncaged Life.

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iNLP Center provides coach training geared for people wanting to discover a new career in the coaching field or for those looking to add advanced tools to their coaching practice. Read more about our Life Coach Training Tracks here.

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