Alumni Spotlight: Jeevan Shikha Chawla

Jeevan has taken the NLP Life Coach, Mental Health Coaching and Master Coach training. As an alumni, she enjoys the ability to continue attending the live sessions and finds them helpful in growing her coaching practice and perfecting her coaching skills. Jeevan has five coaching niches: helping people with chronic diseases, people who suffered from traumatic relationships, people who want to move from scarcity to abundance mindset, people who want to find joy in work and achieve their full potential, and people who want to be successful. She is grateful to be a coach and enjoys the process of facilitating her clients. She recommends students to attend live sessions to stay connected with the materials and build a strong coaching community. Jeevan feels successful because she has grown as a coach and her practice has improved.

Let’s learn more about her:

Hope Bundrant: Thank you for choosing iNLP Center for your training! You’ve completed many iNLP Center trainings, continue to attend live sessions, and are very active in our online Student community. Which courses you have taken at the iNLP Center?

Jeevan: I enrolled in 2018 and at that time there weren’t many options at the iNLP as compared to today, and my knowledge about the coaching world was very limited. So, I started by enrolling for the NLP Life Coach track which was HUGELY HUGE for me at that time. However, due to several reasons – some in my control and others not – I finally resumed my work with this track in April 2022 and completed the track in March 2023, receiving my NLP Life Coach certification. By that time, being a true fan of live classes, and inspired by my coaching buddy, I learned that I wished to enroll for myself – so I signed up for the Mental Health Coaching and the Master Coach. I’m also planning to enroll in the new  Executive Coach Training with Jean Fodora O’Toole. I also envision a spiritual coaching coming soon because I’d love to take all these certifications here at iNLP simply because I LOVE how this platform works – with its powerful lifetime access!!

Hope Bundrant: We look forward to a Spiritual Coach Training, as well….hint, hint, Fabiola!  What is your current coaching niche?

Jeevan: I have 5 niches: 1. Helping people with (chronic) disease find quality, harmony, and a peaceful acceptance in their lives while living happily with their health conditions. Because of having chronic migraines and being in pain always with varying intensity, I have been through this journey and find myself living a life of great quality, blessed harmony with a peaceful acceptance, enjoying my life where I can. 2. Helping people heal from painful/traumatic relationships post-trauma. Because I healed from a (mentally) traumatic relationship and today have a good and fruitful relationship with that person. 3. Helping people move from scarcity to abundance mindsets. Because this was my starting place in life after leaving the traumatic relationship, I moved from fear to love, from loneliness to solitude, from lack to wealth in regard to relationships, finances, career, health, well-being, etc. 4. Helping people find joy and satisfaction in their work-life and deliver from their peak potential because holding a Masters in Clinical and working on my Ph.D., I lost it all to the chronic migraines and rediscovered myself as a life coach – not only focused on health which I feel with my entire being is my TRUEST TRUE calling in life. And, 5. Helping people achieve and bask in success – Because my whole journey through life various aspects has landed me here when I have thoroughly worked on my inner self and my mindset. So it’s possible – if I can, so can you – no matter how we define success.

Hope Bundrant: That’s awesome! I absolutely believe people can create what they desire. How close is your current niches to your initial coaching vision?

Jeevan: My current position and initial coaching vision are no longer on the same page, not even the same book – not the same building even. What I thought coaching was and what it actually is are worlds apart. I love the current position I hold and I am daily grateful for being a coach who is a fertilizer for every blooming flower in the garden of life. I have learnt how to powerfully facilitate the process for my client though I am aware I haven’t fully mastered this yet. Fortunately, each time I lose confidence in my abilities, feel stuck or lost in my practice, or lack inspiration, I simply attend a live class that serves/addresses that need resulting in a more empowered me.

Hope Bundrant: That’s so great to hear! It’s exactly what we had in mind when making the live sessions unlimited. What’s a tip you can give to current students for a successful training with us?

Jeevan: Since the live classes have landed me valuable friendships, support, guidance, and a strong community of coaches spread throughout the world, this is one of my strong lifelines as a coach and is one of the best tips I can offer – even while building their client databases – it maintains their knowledge and practice along the way too. Additionally, I cannot leave this space without mentioning what a game changer joining the Master Coach with the Mental Health Coaching program has been to my journey, practice, and confidence as a coach. I often think back to the days when I had just completed my level 1 certification and how lost I felt as compared to how uplifted and insightful I feel now though I haven’t completed the Master Coach program yet.

Hope Bundrant: The Mental Health Coach Training is a life-changer! How is your success now?

Jeevan:  As I completed my level 1 certification, I didn’t have many clients, so I maintained my discipline and attended live classes to keep in touch with the material while my timetable was gradually filling with clients. This allowed me to continue evolving in my own coaching practice without ever feeling “idle”. Gradually as I gained more clients, and joined the Master Coach program, I have learned and harvested so many powerful insights and I can see how my coaching practice has improved. As a newly certified NLP Life Coach, I had no confidence in my coaching practice and I felt really lost. For me, joining the Master Coach program has made an immense impact on my coaching practice and confidence – again because I have fanatically joined the live classes and learned from these highly talented trainers and fellow students. I attend classes as a sponge often showing up without questions yet my focus is to learn more and I always leave the classes feeling brighter. The feedback from clients is very uplifting and encouraging, and as they’re referring more clients my way, their valuable feedback is given in this manner too. And, finally, to me, my success depends more on my own growth and how I’ve improved as I end my day compared to when I started it. I am not among the regular crowd because my health profoundly limits me which has taught me to always compare myself to myself and use that as a parameter of my success. And iNLP has most definitely contributed there!!

Hope Bundrant: Where can students find you online?

Jeevan: I’m in the process of building my website – the link will be: Till then I keep active on my Facebook page:

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