27 Lies I Tell Myself That Block Happiness

I feel happy a lot of the time. But when I get stuck feeling unhappy, I typically find twisted logic pinging around in my brain.

This twisted logic keeps me invested in hanging onto the bad feelings. In other words, it’s the kind of logic that leads to self-sabotage.

Unfortunately, this kind of logic is all too common. Do you recognize yourself in any of the following?

liespreventhappinessHere are 27 examples of things I say to myself to block good feelings:

1.    When I feel good, bad news is coming, because happiness can’t last.

2.    When I feel good, I am setting myself up for disappointment.

3.    When I feel good, people expect more of me.

4.    When I feel good, I have no excuse to be lazy.

5.    When I feel good, I am letting my negligent parents off the hook.

6.    When I feel good, it will draw too much attention to me.

7.    When I feel good, I’ll have to be nice to people I don’t like.

8.    When I feel good, I am deluding myself.

9.    When I feel good, I am turning my back on people who are suffering.

10.  When I feel good, people will think I am up to something.

11.  When I feel good, I don’t fit into my family of origin anymore.

12.   When I feel good, I’ll have to let go of the past.

13.   When I feel good, I am in denial of something.

14.   When I feel good, I’ll have to act like an extrovert.

15.   When I feel good, it will create too much pressure.

16.   When I feel good, I won’t have anything to bitch about.

17.   When I feel good, I’m being selfish.

18.   When I feel good, I’m being arrogant.

19.   When I feel good, I won’t have an excuse to indulge in food.

20.   When I feel good, I won’t need people anymore.

21.   When I feel good, people will stop helping me.

22.   When I feel good, I’ll have to stand on my own two feet.

23.   When I feel good, it justifies all the ways people have mistreated me.

24.   When I feel good, it feels too weird.

25.   When I feel good, I have to let go of my anger – impossible!

26.   When I feel good, I have to be agreeable.

27.   When I feel good, I am being fake.


It’s important to recognize that all this logic is false. It’s a lie that justifies continuing to feel bad. Again, self-sabotage. Most of the time these self-imposed lies go undetected. We just follow their lead like passive victims.

Living squarely in the truth of your own self-deception opens the door to end the lie and live with more personal choice.

I am working everyday to expand my consciousness to include the lies I tell myself. And it is so very helpful.

Now you can fill in the blank with your own twisted logic, if you dare:

When I feel good, _________________________________.

What can you come up with?

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