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My Top 10 NLP Books – Your Guide to Reading Up on Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Our students want to know which NLP books I recommend during our NLP Training. Below are my top 10 NLP books. Which one would you start with? And what do you want and NLP to do for you?

Next, let me say how pathetic the digital selection of NLP books has become on Amazon. Reading through the top NLP books listed on Amazon, I’m floored at how inaccurate they are. With the ease of publishing in the digital age, anyone can slap together a book and sell it on Amazon. Many NLP authors these days do not appear to understand the basic concepts.

This list has NLP books from veterans of Neuro-Linguistic Programming. You can trust the information to be accurate and interesting.

What to Expect from the Best NLP Books

The NLP books on my list:

• Demonstrate how NLP is used in a variety of settings.
• Are professionally written.
• Applicability: these NLP books give you some idea how to use NLP.
• Don’t sell magic or BS to take advantage of people.

Here are my Top 10 NLP Books to Read!

Under each NLP book there’s a brief description, recommended reading purpose, and/or comment about writing style.

NLP: The Essential Guide
by Dotz
Created by three NLP Master Practitioners, this newer NLP book helps readers  apply NLP techniques to real life scenarios. By reading real stories, you’ll be able to use their knowledge to develop your own NLP strategies.

Reading Purpose: Introduction to NLP/Overview

Writing Style: Casual, clear and straightforward, mix of concepts, methods and stories.


Heart of the Mind by Steve and Connirae Andreas
This well-written introduction to NLP covers many of life’s challenges and goals, using the authors’ multitude of successful techniques.

This comprehensive guide will serve as a platform to the beginning stages of NLP, diving deep into the inner workings of applying each technique in different situations.

Reading Purpose: Introduction to NLP for counselors, coaches and healing practitioners who want to see what it’s like to apply various NLP methods with clients. Lots of client dialogue here.

Writing Style: Clinical, clear explanations of methods along detailed descriptions of client sessions.


The Big Book of NLP (Expanded)
The Big Book of NLP is a precisely written encyclopedia of NLP techniques and how they may be applied. With many techniques that are usually only talked about at expensive NLP seminars, this book contains a vast amount of information that cannot be found anywhere else.

Reading Purpose: Reference for NLP practitioners

Writing Style: No explanations or stories. This is just a list of techniques and their steps.



NLP: The New Technology of Achievement by Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner
NLP can be utilized to solve many different problems, as well as achieve goals. This book lays out a 21-day plan to help you achieve your goals, and outlines the keys to unlimited success in your personal and professional life, using NLP.





Frogs Into Princes by Bandler and Grinder
Written when NLP was in the beginning stages of establishment, this book captures the absolute essence of Neuro-Linguistic Programming as described by the founding fathers, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Though it contains some of the more complicated techniques and processes, it is easily understandable and should be read by anyone with an interest in the subject.

Reading purpose: To capture the atmosphere of early NLP seminars and the attitude with which they worked, mixed with a glimpse of the early methods.

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Writing style: Seminar transcripts. This book is not written in a typical fashion, with one concept logically flowing after another – it’s a snapshot of a live event.


by Bandler and Grinder
The practice of hypnosis is filled with mysticism, and many openly criticize it because they simply don’t understand or have been fooled by a false practitioner. This book breaks down the process of hypnosis, and Richard Bandler and John Grinder, founders of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, explain the techniques and methods used therein.

Reading purpose: To capture the atmosphere of early NLP seminars and the attitude with which they worked, mixed with a glimpse of the early methods around hypnosis, trance induction and utilization.

Writing style: Seminar transcripts. This book is not written in a typical fashion, with one concept logically flowing after another – it’s a snapshot of a live event.


by Bandler and Grinder
Reframing your mind to adapt to a certain situation or scenario, and perceiving it how you would like it to be perceived by your subconscious mind is deeply explained in a six-step process, in this book by Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

Reading purpose: To capture the atmosphere of early NLP seminars and the attitude with which they worked, mixed with a glimpse of the early methods around reframing.

Writing style: Seminar transcripts. This book is not written in a typical fashion, with one concept logically flowing after another – it’s a snapshot of a live event.


Change your Mind and Keep the Change
by Steve and Connirae Andreas
Whether you are sticking to your personal convictions, motivating yourself towards a difficult goal, or giving yourself support during a time of need, this book will clearly lay out the road to self-support and help you to find and keep the change that you need in your life.

Reading purpose: Introduction to NLP techniques

Writing style: It’s a live seminar transcript format here, but the editors did a great job of making the presentation clear from a reader’s point of view.


Metaphors We Live By (2nd Edition)

This book explains how our minds compare experiences to each other, and gauge each individual experience off of a metaphor which applies to the given situation. It provides even further understanding of how we perceive reality by giving insight into the metaphorical situations that present themselves within our own minds, and allows us to adapt to situations using this method.

Reading Purpose: A more advanced book that focuses on a single content area: metaphor. This book has been a staple in the NLP community for decades. Read it for the mind-altering realization that comes with understanding just how metaphorical life is.

Writing style: Academic

Core Transformation: Reaching the Wellspring Within
by Connirae Andreas
If you ever feel there are aspects of your inner-self that are holding you back from blossoming in your personal or professional life, this book offers a ten-step solution that has potential to heal the very core of your problems. This is one NLP book offers a way to change at the very center of your being, on a spiritual level.

Reading Purpose: Personal change and self-acceptance with NLP concepts and methods.

Writing Style: Casual, yet deep and descriptive – a journey through the methodology. This is Connirae’s masterpiece. Extremely well written.


Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-Being 2nd Edition
by Dilts
There are many beliefs that we hold on to in our lives that inhibit us from further growth, and may even be detrimental to our personal well-being. This book helps us to let go of the beliefs that may be stopping us from our personal development, so that we may lead lives that are free of the problematic beliefs and programming within our minds.

Reading purpose: To learn how NLP may be applied to health and well-being. Also, a health practitioner’s inspiration for integrating belief change work into healing protocols.

Writing style: Casual and clear explanations.


If there is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming book you would like my opinion on, please email me and I will give you my honest opinion. You can reach me at

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