NLP-Integrated Life Coach Training Modules

See what covered in our Life Coach Certification Training

Module 1: Intro to Life Coaching & Your Coaching Vision

  • Explore your Coaching Niche & Discover Your Coaching Vision
  • Attend a Coaching Vision & Marketing Session to discuss future plans
  • Kick-off Your Life Coach Training with a Success Plan

The first module of your Life Coach Training is where your coaching career vision begins. We will take you step-by-step through the elements that go into creating your coaching vision – your business goals, your coaching niche, how much you should charge, and even what you are most worried about.

Attend a live class to review your coaching vision and marketing direction. We will help you develop a plan of action to work on during your life coach certification course and clear marketing direction after completion.

Module 2: The Confident Coach Mindset

  • Master emotional states
  • Transform blocks into positive resources
  • Apply optimism to any situation
  • Learn new behavioral skills quickly

The coaching mindset is fundamental. Nothing affects behavior as much as a mindset. Sometimes you can change your mindset and feelings as an act of will. Other states of mind are difficult to change. In this life coach training program, you will learn to change those mindsets that do not budge on their own.

Module 3: The Structure of a Life Coaching Session

  • Never get lost in a life coaching session
  • Have confidence that you always know what to do next
  • Lead clients naturally to the results they seek

In this module you will be introduced to the iNLP Center Universal Coaching Model (UCM). This unique coaching system eliminates the mystery behind effective coaching by revealing the Five Phases of a Coaching Session. You will learn specifically how effective life coaching sessions work and a powerful, step-by-step system for success.

Module 4: The Pre-Coaching Phase

  • Know how to start a coaching session right
  • Create deep rapport with clients quickly
  • Inspire greater trust ethically
  • Master non-verbal communication

Certain things need to happen before great coaching can begin and they happen in the Pre-Coaching phase.

This is when you must begin the rapport and trust-building process. To create a deep connection with your clients, you need to move beyond verbal rapport to establish a powerful, non-verbal connection. In this module, you will learn how to read your clients non-verbal communication and tap into a deeper connection with them.

Module 5: The Information Gathering Phase

  • Always know which question to ask
  • Set the coaching up for success by seeing the big picture
  • Lead your client to breakthrough insights
  • Proceed to coaching techniques with confidence because you now have the right information

If you want to become a world-class life coach, you will need to learn the right questions to ask at the right time, providing a-ha moments and a surge of motivation. Done well, quality information gathering will reveal the specific goal for the session, as well as what needs to be done to get there. It is like rising above a maze and suddenly seeing the path out.

Module 6: NLP Coaching Models

  • Serve as an expert guide for your clients
  • Know which techniques to apply and when
  • Identify the best opportunities for growth

Life coach training is the process of learning to use coaching maps to guide people toward their goals. It is important to understand that life coaching can not happen without coaching models. Coaching conversations are not aimless social interactions, they are intended to go in a positive direction toward a new destination.

Module 7: NLP Communication Models

  • Learn to recognize the most important things clients say
  • Know how to systematically ask questions to go deeper
  • Learn to read people to discover how they are thinking
  • Find the hidden assumptions in communication keep people stuck

Communication is complex so you need models to guide you. Like coaching models, communication models are maps that show you how to direct communication toward a positive outcome.

As you listen to others speak, what if you could instantly recognize the most valuable information? A good life coach certification gives you the communication skills that paint a clear picture of the most important questions to ask, even though someone may present a variety of information.

Module 8: The Transformation Phase

  • Know when to use techniques for change
  • Recognize the most powerful kinds of change
  • Implement change techniques with precision

This module includes a toolbox of techniques for overcoming obstacles. This is the transformation phase of life coaching. Techniques are not everything, but the right technique at the right time works wonders to get unstuck and move ahead.

In this Transformation Phase module, you will learn the optimal conditions for facilitating change, as well as the most influential kinds of change you can achieve inside a coaching session.

Module 9: Cultivating Self-Awareness with NLP

  • Discover the hidden structure of thoughts and feelings
  • Eliminate the impact of negative thoughts and feelings
  • Breakthrough and break free of self-imposed limitations
  • Gain unparalleled insight into relationships

The NLP transformation tools in this module are the hidden structure behind every thought and feeling you can have. These maps of the mind are not taught anywhere but in NLP coach training. Knowing, specifically, how your inner life works, gives you the keys to change.

Module 10: Building Inner Resource with NLP

  • Make solid decisions
  • Motivate yourself and others easily
  • Create customized strategies for success
  • Understand key drivers of human behavior
  • Access empowered states of excellence at will

Wanting something is never enough; you also need to be empowered and have an effective strategy for success. You can build inner resources by learning new strategies, mental building blocks, and formulas to create any result on the inside before producing it in the world.

Clients want results. If you have the tools to help them turn bad decision-making around, motivate themselves effortlessly, and create states of excellence whenever they need, you will deliver those results.

Module 11: The Past, Future, and Goal Setting with NLP

  • Set goals that draw upon your strengths and avoid obstacles
  • Identify and overcome the right obstacles
  • Change your perception of the past and future to support your goals
  • Feel more excitement, curiosity, and self-confidence
  • Let go of the past and program your future for success
  • Harmonize the past and future to create learning and motivation

A life coach training must have a focus on goal-setting. Learn how to harness all your resources, anticipate obstacles, and look at goals through a holistic lens.

At the iNLP Center, we take things a step further by giving you the NLP methods that put the entire past and future in perspective. This will give you the opportunity to help move your client beyond past programming and set them up for a bright future.

Module 12: Transforming Stuck States with NLP

  • Overcome fears that block progress
  • Access and maintain positive mindsets on purpose
  • Change limiting mindsets into resourceful ones
  • Overcome bad habits with creative new solutions
  • Turn any negative into a positive

The ability to help some get unstuck and move forward in their life is the signature of a skilled life coach. Helping people get unstuck is not the gift of a few lucky people. You will learn some of the best techniques ever developed to transform negative states and habitual behaviors into a non-issue.

Module 13: The Integration Phase

  • Learn to set your clients up for success between sessions
  • Know the best kind of homework assignments to give
  • Establish accountability with clients to keep them motivated
  • Make the breakthroughs in coaching sessions count

All the mindset shifts in the world mean little if they do not result in new behaviors. An overlooked part of many coaching cycles is the actions taken between sessions.

Using our Coach-Do model, you will learn how to help clients take action on the insights and newfound motivation that arises in their coaching sessions. You will learn how to set positive expectations and give customized homework assignments that they will be excited to do. This is the work of integration, a skill set every life coach must have!

Module 14: The Wrap-Up and Homework Phase

As a session wraps up, some of the most important coaching can happen if you know how to leverage the power of homework. There are three kinds of homework you can give your clients so they continue making progress between sessions. It is important to understand the purpose of each and match that purpose to their needs. Do this well and your clientele will grow.

Module 15: Life Coach Skills Review

  • Develop lasting confidence as a coach through real experience
  • Practice coaching in front of your trainer for immediate feedback
  • Observe coaching sessions and ask questions
  • Learn from coaches with 25+ years of life coach training expertise
  • Pass your life coach certification and move ahead in your coaching business

It is time to complete your life coach certification course with a thorough review of the coaching skills you have learned. Through simulations, role-plays, and real coaching with others, you will begin to feel coaching confidence that will propel you forward into success as a life coach!

Module 16: Bonus Coaching Models

  • Deep self-acceptance
  • Tame the angry, rebellious, hidden or outcast parts of yourself
  • Experience your core state for perhaps the first time

Core Transformation is one of the deepest and most sophisticated processes to create a state of wholeness, oneness, peace, or connection to the universe in the field of NLP. The method was developed by Connie Rae Andreas, who has generously given the iNLP Center permission to teach it to you.

The Criteria for Psychological Safety is a iNLP Center model geared towards reducing anxiety and getting to a place where one feels safe. You will learn how to recognize your criteria for personal safety to achieve your goals in a more effective way.

Your Life Coaching Business & Marketing Guide

This marketing course isn’t just about theory – it’s your action plan to a thriving coaching practice. Forget feeling lost in a sea of marketing jargon. We’ll equip you with the battle-tested strategies you need to attract a steady stream of ideal clients.

Here’s what makes this Masterclass your secret weapon:

  • From Brainstorm to Boom: We’ll guide you through every step of crafting a winning marketing plan. This includes everything from nailing your business name and building a stunning website to mastering the art of search engine optimization. You’ll learn how to make your online presence magnetic, attracting clients who are ready to work with you.
  • Live Coaching – Your Marketing MVP: The real magic happens in our exclusive live sessions. Every week for 3 weeks, we’ll dedicate laser-focused time on YOU. Our experts will answer your burning questions, brainstorm creative ideas tailored to your niche, and even review your current marketing strategy and website. No matter where you are in your marketing journey, we’ll meet you there and propel you forward.
  • No More One-Size-Fits-All: Forget generic marketing advice. We understand that every coaching practice is unique. Our personalized approach ensures you develop a marketing strategy that resonates with your ideal client and fuels the growth of your coaching empire.

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