Personal Development

Attachment to Rejection: A Psychological Syndrome

Note: This page is a work in progress. As our understanding of the attachment to rejection develops, the information here will be updated. The information below is not intended to diagnose or treat any mental health condition and is to be considered for personal development or entertainment purposes exclusively.

The Attachment to Rejection is a pervasive tendency toward feeling rejected by self or others. It includes the tendency to consciously or unconsciously encourage and at the same time deny feelings of rejection through simple or elaborate self-fulfilling schemes.

Attachment to Rejection : Associated Feelings

Feeling rejected includes:

Hurt, betrayal, loneliness, humiliation, shame, disapproval

Defensive Reactions

After consciously or unconsciously feeling rejection or associated feelings, common defensive reactions are:

Anger, humor, offense, reciprocal blame, outrage, shock, confusion, hopelessness, self-doubt, discouragement, melancholy, fear, guilt

Defensive reactions typically encourage more rejection.

Self-fulfilling Lenses

Self-fulfilling lenses are the perceptual filters through which the Rejection Attachment is unconsciously perceived, sustained and encouraged.

Lenses are often manifest as conscious or unconscious self-talk.

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Examples of lenses that encourage rejection:

If I ask for what I want, they will say no because they hate me.
If I go to the party, people will think I’m weird.
If I speak my mind, I will look like a fool.
People see right through me and don’t like what they see.
I am worthless, no good.
If I tell the truth or share my feelings, I’ll be outcast and alone.
My feelings don’t matter.
Nobody cares about me.
I’ll never amount to anything, so why try.

Common Set Ups for Rejection

Seeking approval from people who have demonstrated consistent non-approval
Under-performing at tasks that fall within capabilities (encouraging disapproval)
Provoking others (picking fights)
Choosing romantic partners that are critical, disregarding or mean (includes physical attraction)
Inappropriate humor
Lack of boundaries or respect for others’ personal space
Insistence on behaviors that encourage others to view one negatively

Common Symptoms

Consistent feelings associated with the Rejection Attachment.
Fear or anxiety as a result of anticipating rejection or disapproval.
Craving approval or worrying about what others think.
Chronic comparing of self to others (favorably or unfavorably).
Chronic anger or defensiveness.
A variety of self-sabotaging behaviors
A tendency to fail due to lack of effort
Tendency to use self-deprecating humor
Inability to say no
Feelings of inadequacy
Tendency to attempt to please others
Lack of other awareness

Forms of Denial

Blaming others for feelings
Believing the Rejection Attachment is “reality”
Not seeing the connection between one’s behaviors and feelings
Inner passivity: feeling as if the rejection is coming from an outside source and therefore outside of one’s control.

Elaborate Schemes

One may organize an entire life around the Rejection Attachment. This may include:

Choosing a life partner or friends that are incompatible
Selecting a career in which success is unlikely
Denying one’s own wishes to please others
Passing the Rejection Attachment on to children

The most effective way to overcome the Rejection Attachment is to use the principles outlined in the AHA Solution, used in our NLP Life Coach Certification Online Training.. By following our principles, you should be able to reclaim your positive emotions and stop seeking out negative ones.

iNLP Center Staff

With a combined 130+ years in life coaching, NLP, and personal development experience, our staff is committed to providing you the guidance and opportunity to learn in a convenient, online format. Through its unique combination of blended, self-paced learning and challenging offline activities, iNLP Center has the formula for effective, yet affordable training. Once enrolled, you’ll have training and support for life.

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