• NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Circle of Excellence: How to do this NLP Classic in Three Steps

If you want to harness the power of the NLP circle of excellence technique, I get it. This simple yet… Read More

  • Life Coaching

How to Work with Coaching Clients – Attn: Life Coaches

You've been through your life coach training but still aren't sure how to work with coaching clients. But now you're… Read More

  • Personal Development

Why Your Mind Turns Against You and How to Rescue Yourself

So there you are, rowing along in the sea of life, seeking out your little island paradise where you can… Read More

  • Mindfulness

Mindfulness for Chronic Pain – Read What Works

Try Practicing Mindfulness for Chronic Pain The good news about mindfulness for chronic pain never seems to end. Scientists have… Read More

  • NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

How to Use the NLP Reframing Technique to Handle Disappointment

Can you use NLP to handle disappointment? Of course. The method that comes to mind is the NLP reframing technique.… Read More

  • Mindfulness

NLP and Mindfulness – Do They Work Together?

Can NLP and mindfulness work together in surprisingly compatible ways? Yes! In this post I will show you how (specifically).… Read More

  • Personal Development

How an Original Feeling Becomes a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

If you have negative feelings you can’t ‘get rid of’ you’ll find an unlikely explanation for them in this post,… Read More

  • NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP Modalities: Visual, Auditory & Kinesthetic (VAK)

NLP VAK modalities refer to the three ways the human brain processes information: Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic. Everyone uses all… Read More

  • NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

What NLP Accessing States Has Taught Me

NLP Accessing States - Module 4 (NLP Practitioner Training & Certification) For me, learning how to change state is essential.… Read More

  • Personal Development

The Emotions Behind Procrastination: Five Scenarios You Should Understand if you Want to Get Things DONE

With all the productivity tips online today, you’d think anyone could make procrastination a thing of the past. This post… Read More

  • Personal Development

Overcome the Two Primary Obstacles in Life with the Following Formula

There are two kinds of obstacles that prevent success. 1. External obstacles can stand in the way of success. 2.… Read More

  • Personal Development

Got Goals? You’ll Want to Apply This Simple NLP Success Principle

Think of your top goal in life right now. Stop reading until you’re holding it firmly in mind. Otherwise, you… Read More

  • Personal Development

Freedom from the Past: 7 Steps to Heal Your Hidden Childhood Programming

Sometimes I wish there were a guaranteed way to filter every negative message as perceived in childhood. If I could… Read More

  • Personal Development

How to Desire Change Deeply Enough

The first principle of success is desire. - Robert Collier If you’ve come to this post, chances are that you… Read More

  • Life Coaching

The 3 Life Coaching Phases for Clients

Have you ever considered the life coaching phases clients go through? If you want to be successful as a coach… Read More

  • Personal Development

How To Wake Up and Let Go of Lingering, Annoying, Oppressive Thoughts (A Detailed Guide)

Oppression - the state of being subject to unjust treatment or control. We’re used to hearing about oppressive governments, but… Read More

  • Personal Development

Paradigm Shift Clearly Explained: Prepare for a Big AHA Moment!

Why do we need a reliable way to create a personal paradigm shift? Because on the whole we’re going about… Read More

  • Personal Development

The Elusive Positive Attitude: Why You Just Can’t Hold Onto It

If you’ve come here in search of tidy tips on how to have a positive attitude, you’re in for a… Read More

  • Personal Development

What to Do (and NOT Do) to Get Others to Change

It’s one of the first things NLP practitioners screen for… When someone desires a specific outcome, make sure that he… Read More

  • NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

How the Use of NLP Metaphors Helps You Read Minds

NLP Metaphors reveal unique insights about people and relationships. Oddly enough, they also increase your perception skills, according to research.… Read More

  • Personal Development

Shrink Even the Most Annoying Person Down to Size

Super annoying people. Most of us have them in our lives - or run into them from time to time.… Read More

  • Personal Development

Key to Personal Popularity Discovered

Researchers from the University of Queensland, Australia have uncovered a key to great relationships and personal popularity. It’s the ability… Read More

  • Personal Development

Let your Kids Squirm: It’s Important

I remember sitting in church as a child, bored to tears. And, for the life of me, I couldn’t sit… Read More

  • Personal Development

This Simple Shift in Perspective Melts Your Worries

Imagine this bizarre scenario: You suddenly lose your ability to worry about anything in the future. . Time to celebrate?… Read More

  • Personal Development

I’m In A Healthy Relationship and I Hate It

Recently I received the following note from a reader: So the story about the woman who was in the marriage… Read More

  • NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

The Truth About the NLP Wikipedia Page

Full disclosure: This site sells NLP training. Our potential bias is in the open, unlike that of the notorious editor… Read More

  • NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Best NLP Training in the World Includes These Four Factors

Let's get real. If you want the best NLP training in the world, you are going to play a major… Read More

  • Personal Development

How Other People and Outside Objects Control Your Thoughts (and what to do about it)

Your thoughts are separate from the outside world, right? I’ve always assumed this to be the case, although I cannot… Read More

  • Personal Development

Sex Addiction: Here are Five Categories of Treatment

Sex addiction is prevalent. The National Council on Sexual Addiction Compulsivity has suggested that up to 8% of Americans suffer… Read More

  • Personal Development

Stop Rejecting Opportunity to Feel Good: 5 Steps to Embrace Your Best Self

If you’re in a rut of feeling bad, the prospect of feeling great much of the time might be intimidating.… Read More

  • NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Using NLP Anchored States in Daily Life

What I learned from studying NLP Anchored States in the NLP Practitioner Training at the iNLP Center: Our daily lives… Read More

  • Personal Development

20 Ways You Might Be Punishing Yourself

Many issues we face would make much more sense if we considered them self-punishment. At least we’d be starting from… Read More

  • NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Three NLP Tools To Get You Unstuck

NLP tools can get you unstuck quickly and effectively. Specifically, use NLP tools to change your state when you need… Read More

  • Personal Development

How to Be Happy: The One Gigantic Happiness Realization and a 5-Step Process to Apply It

To learn how to be happy consistently, at some point in life all of us need realize one key thing:… Read More

  • Life Coaching
  • Mental Health

Does Mental Wellness Coaching Work? Check this Study…

Ever wondered if talking to a coach produces measurable results? Recent research among a very challenged population suggests that coaching… Read More

  • Personal Development

Know a Narcissist? Ask this Question to Find Out if They Really Are.

Do you know, or do people say you're a narcissist? Can a personality disorder as extensive as narcissism be diagnosed… Read More

  • Personal Development

Rejection Attraction Quiz

Welcome to the Enlighten Me Survey Rejection Attraction Quiz! This quiz assesses how prone you are to rejection. Many of… Read More

  • Personal Development

Three Delusions that Lead to Chronic Arguing, High Stress and Early Death

Arguing is a normal part of any close relationship, right? Yet, when you consider the delusions that lead to arguments… Read More

  • Personal Development

Disarm your Inner Critic with these Simple Steps

This is a VERY short video with a super effective technique for handing your inner critic. The technique is RARE,… Read More

  • NLP - Articles about Neuro-Linguistic Programming

How to Create Rapport, Connection and Trust on Purpose

Want to know how to Create Rapport, Connection and Trust? We all want these in our personal and professional relationships.… Read More

  • Personal Development

I Hate My Life! A Story of Deep Transformation

Great leaders possess a strong sense of personal responsibility for their lives, their actions, and their word. You cannot lead… Read More

  • Personal Development

The Hidden Obstacle to Becoming Naturally Assertive

What would happen in your life if you were more assertive when you need to be? For most people who… Read More

  • Personal Development

Research: Husband’s Attitude is the Key to a Happy Marriage

Watch out, men. Here it comes. Some credible scientists now claim that it is YOUR attitude that makes or breaks… Read More

  • Personal Development

Top 6 Relationship Arguments Offered by Impossible People (and what to do about them)

Some simple things seem impossible to change. And some people seem impossible! Are you in a relationship with an impossible… Read More

  • Personal Development

6 Ways Remaining Silent Creates Pain, Wrongdoing and Despair

Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. Rudyard Kipling spoke these famous words to the Royal… Read More

  • Personal Development

Why Affirmations Don’t Come True (and how to make them work)

Guest Post By Christopher Butler Spawning from the likes of spiritual sages like Louise Hay, Esther Hicks, and Doreen Virtue,… Read More

  • Personal Development

Cooling the Fire Testimonials

Here's what some of our students have said about our Cooling the Fire program: Canale D.: I love the concept… Read More

  • Personal Development

Is Your Relationship a Ping-Pong Match?

I used to tell my husband that it felt as if we were ping-ponging against each other in our relationship.… Read More

  • Personal Development

How Subconscious Questions Can Shape Our Lives for the Worst

Subconscious questions can play a large part in how you are feeling in your life. If you're feeling chronically bad… Read More

  • Personal Development

When it’s Bad, this Common Relationship Slowly Kills You

Marriage is a boon to millions of well-adjusted couples who savor the intimacy and emotional safety that only a committed… Read More