Our Master Coach Certification Training is a Guaranteed Fast Track to your ACC & PCC Credentials
Go from Novice to Pro Coach with our ICF Master Coach Certification Training featuring our Universal Coaching Model, 50+ NLP models, and advanced coaching methods. This Level 2 coach training provides ALL the requirements for your ACC and PCC Coaching Credentials plus 4 professional coaching certificates. Level up your coaching skills for real-world results!
- All requirements for both ACC and PCC credentials
- 100% Online, Self-paced learning
- 63 Small-Group Zoom Training Sessions
- 175 Total Hours of Comprehensive Training
- Unlimited Reciprocal Coaching Hours
- Earn four Professional Certifications and Digital Badges
- Unlimited Business and Marketing Help
- On-going trainer support
- Lifetime course and live session access
- ICF Credentialing Test Prep and application help
Our Master Coach Training is Accredited by:

- ICF International Coach Federation
An ICF Level 2 Training (125 hrs)
- International NLP Association
NLP Practitioner & NLP Master Certifications included!
Reach Your Coaching Potential
The beauty of our Master Coach Training Track is that you first learn the structure of coaching and all the NLP tools and models needed to begin your new coaching career. Then, you take it to a higher level by discovering your unique coaching style and mastering more advanced tools.
This training is about you and your individuality as a coach. Your potential. You do not coach like anyone else. You share the fundamentals coaching skills with many but how you apply them is and can only be your own art form.
Our purpose here is to help you discover your way of coaching, given that the fundamentals you’ll learn in the NLP Life Coach Training portion of this track are solid. This is what makes coaches stand out, attract the right clients, and reach their potential.
Our Master Coach Training includes a variety of advanced components to help you reach your potential.
- Discussion and Transformation
With so many coaching and NLP tools at your disposal, which do you use and under what circumstances? There is no substitute for experience in this area and that’s what you’ll get during these live sessions.
Learn how to bring about transformation during a coaching session and beyond. Once the coaching agreement is established, how to guide the client toward it effectively? - Case Studies & Coaching Supervision
Lacking in most coach training, coaching supervision gives you the opportunity to bring coaching cases and scenarios to class to receive expert supervision. With this supervision, you will refine your approach to coaching and discover opportunities to help clients grow that never occurred to you before. - Observed Coaching
Attend and participate in unlimited observed coaching sessions in which you will coach a volunteer in front of an instructor and receive feedback. These sessions lead to class discussion and learning from the process. Moreover, our exploratory approach to coaching makes the observed coaching process positive and fun. - Advanced Coaching Agreements
Coaching agreements – goals for each session – are the heart of life coaching. A clear and achievable coaching agreement is the only measure of success for both the coach and client. You’ll learn how to systematically secure a well-formed coaching agreement, ensure that goals come from the client’s deepest desires, keep clients on a growth path that leads to ongoing transformation, and coach with mindful presence and higher confidence. - New Coaching Models
New models will be introduced based on class learning and development. With each new model, students have an opportunity to test, refine and improve upon it.
Training Topics Covered
- Life Values
Life values are vague, one-word concepts that we each define individually. They serve as a way to filter opportunities and decide which of many paths to follow. They guide your decisions, behavior, and overall direction in life. You can only live a conscious life by consciously understanding what you value. Learning how to coach your client to discover and internalize their life values provides a paradigm for achieving their goals and living a fulfilling life. - Self-Sabotage
Helping your client to recognize and understand how their subconscious is controlling their ability to have their needs met is essential to their moving forward. Learning our advanced coaching models and using them with your clients will empower them to make better choices that meet their conscious needs. - Beliefs and Identity
This section of the course is about identifying and altering key beliefs that affect life coaching outcomes. We’ll take a multi-disciplinary approach, as there is no singular way to change a belief, or beliefs about identity. First, we’ll explore the nature of beliefs as subjective and objective truths as they show up in life coaching, then learn ways to work with them. - The Interactive Mind
Consider that the most important element of coaching is the client’s relationship with the mind, not a specific obstacle or goal. Establishing an effective and more or less comfortable relationship with the mind is more important than finding remedies or strategies to accomplish a coaching goal. In this model we integrate even deeper client awareness of how they experience their struggles and encourage self-compassion. - Advanced Coaching Tools
Some of the tools covered in this section are learning more effective ways for sharing observations and communicating more direct, turning advice into questions, bottom-lining, and coaching with intuition.
Our Master Coach Training Learning Style
Inductive Learning vs. Deductive Learning
During the Life Coach Training portion of the Master Coach Track you will learn using Deductive Learning. This is the common way to teach fundamental information. It is essential to gaining a solid foundation and understanding of the material, such as our Universal Coaching Model and NLP techniques.
Once you’ve understood the fundamentals of coaching in our NLP-Integrated Life Coach Training, you can build upon that by discovering your own unique insights, methods, and creative expertise, gained through our inductive learning Master Coach training. Inductive learning will open new discoveries that are unlikely to happen any other way.
How Inductive Learning Works:
Inductive teaching is a bottom-up approach to learning. First, it offers examples and then asks students to discover the rules, facts and models. Inductive learning says: Here are some examples. What are the rules? (This is the best style for advanced learning of models and development)
Both deductive and inductive learning are valid and necessary forms of education. Anything can be taught with either method and most things are more thoroughly learned using a combination of the two.
Many administrators find that deductive learning is faster and places greater responsibility on the instructor to teach the rules correctly. Inductive learning is slower and requires more creative effort on the part of students. Yet, students retain more of what they learn.
Our opinion is that deductive learning is the most efficient way to learn the fundamentals of life coaching, while inductive learning is the most effective path to mastery.
Training Schedule – Start and Finish in as little as 3 Months!
Our Level 2 Master Coach Certification Track includes these courses-
• NLP-Integrated Life Coach Training
• Master Coach Training
• ICF Coach Mentoring
You’ll start your Master Coach Track by working in our NLP-Integrated Life Coach Training (see course), attending our ICF Mentor Clinics, and meeting with your private mentor. This portion will take approximately 160 hours to complete.
Upon completion, you will spend the next 30 course hours attending our Master Coach live training sessions, working through the online coursework, and finish with a final private mentor session to evaluate your coaching demonstration for ICF approval.
All training time is self-paced and features unlimited, lifetime access to our live sessions and training content. You can complete the entire track in as little as 3 months, but the average is 9 months.
Your Trainers for this Course:
Fabiola Giraldo | Rafael Rocha | Christine Leclerc-Sherling, PhD |
Choose a Master Coach Training Track:
Experience Ultimate Flexibility with our “Train Your Way™” Program
• Start Your Training Anytime
• 100% Online & Self-Paced Platform
• 40+ Live Sessions Available Each Week
• Unlimited Reciprocal Peer Coaching
• Lifetime Training Access
• No Expiration or Due Dates
• Ongoing Trainer Support
• ICF Credentialing Help
• No-Risk 7-Day Money Back Guarantee!
Includes These Courses: |
You’ll Receive: 4 Certifications & Digital Badges • Master Coach • Certified Life Coach • NLP Master Practitioner • NLP Practitioner |
Attend Online: 63 Live Training Sessions |
Earn up to: Unlimited Coaching Hours |
Provides: 125 ICF Training Hours |
Or, Installment Plan Price: $619/month x 10 months Enroll Now (Total Installment payments=$6190. Does NOT include Hypnosis Training) |
Includes These Courses: |
You’ll Receive: 5 Certifications & Digital Badges • Mental Health Coach • Master Coach • Certified Life Coach • NLP Master Practitioner • NLP Practitioner |
Attend Online: 83 Live Training Sessions |
Earn: Unlimited Coaching Hours |
Provides: 165 ICF Training Hours |
Or, Installment Plan Price: $692/month x 12 months Enroll Now (Total payments=$8295. Does NOT include Hypnosis Training) |
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