Self-Sabotage ~ The Solution You Weren’t Expecting to End Self Sabotaging Behavior for Good

Self-sabotage should be the last thing anyone does, but it’s the most likely! You’re invited to watch the AHA Process to End Self Sabotage and learn how to stop self-sabotaging behavior.

Please enter your email address below to see the video instantly:

This is the worst part of self-sabotaging behavior:

Self sabotage is so easy to justify.

…one argument, one trip to the fridge, one beer—and in the moment, they may even seem helpful. But like a river eroding away rocks, self-sabotage creates a Grand Canyon of self-defeat from which it’s hard to climb out.

~ Scientific American

Right? We start the day with good intentions and then we slip into it without a second thought. In the heat of the moment, we want it. Self sabotaging behaviors seem like the right thing to do at the time. It may even feel impossible to stop because it comes so easily.

What is self-sabotage?

Self sabotage is when you get in your own way. And it’s hard to pin down.

  • Procrastination
  • Impulsive actions
  • Arguing
  • Avoiding conflict
  • Giving up on a goal
  • Obsessing about a goal
  • Not speaking up
  • Talking too much
  • Breaking a diet
  • Over-dieting

All these examples are forms of self-sabotage. And at the same time, none of them are. It all depends on what you are trying to achieve. And if you really want to get confused, try pinning down the points of view that sabotage you and create self-fulfilling prophecies.

The path of how to stop self sabotage behaviors requires starting somewhere. The AHA Process to End Self-Sabotage video is the first step. Please enter your email address below to get started. The only thing you have to lose is a few minutes of your time. If you move on without giving the video a few moments you may lose much more such as living free from your self sabotaging behavior. More than 100,000 people have watched it since 2014. We still get feedback from viewers every day. It’s powerful… and it helps!

Why you should take notes on this video:

If you are self-sabotaging, get your notepad. Write down new insights during the video. Some have called it a missing link in mental health and personal development. That sounds over the top to us. Still,

How is the AHA Process different?

In a world of shallow promises and quick-fix techniques, real solutions are hard to find. Self-sabotage is not a shallow issue. The solution isn’t shallow either. Yet, we present the AHA Process in an easy-to-follow way. You’ll see the concept and hear some simple stories. And it can change your whole feeling about self-sabotage.

Have you ever changed when you learned something that never occurred to you? Take notes. You’re about to discover the “never occurred to you” of self-sabotaging thoughts and behavior.

7 More Self-Sabotage Resources (Most Are free)

#1 solution for self sabotage, self-sabotage, or self-sabotaging

You can get a free book on the hidden cause of self-sabotage. Your Achilles Eel: It’s a strange little book. Check it out. If you don’t like it, we’re sure you’ll agree it’s different!

Download Your Achilles Eel: Discover and Overcome the Hidden Cause of Negative Emotions, Bad Decisions, and Self-Sabotage. You can also get it on Kindle (nearly free).

#2 solution for self sabotage, self-sabotage, or self-sabotaging

2. Peter Michaelson’s website is full of unique insights. Peter was instrumental in teaching us the underpinnings of self-sabotaging behavior. We’ll always be grateful for his deep expertise and encouragement.

Check out Peter Michaelson’s Why We Suffer.

He also has a new book out called Who’s Afraid of Inner Truth?

My favorite quote from Peter (condensed):

Without realizing it, we make inner choices to feel deprived or refused – or helpless, criticized, rejected, betrayed, or abandoned. Doing this defies common sense, but our unconscious mind operates on irrational, not rational, principles.

#3 solution for self sabotage, self-sabotage, or self-sabotaging

Self sabotage can boil down to inner conflict. Check out this comprehensive piece on Thrive Global. It’s a tour-de-force on the most important issue anyone faces.

Why Inner Conflict is your Most Important Issue

#4 solution for self sabotage, self-sabotage, or self-sabotaging

The underlying cause of self sabotage is a psychological attachment. You can read many articles on this subject in our personal development blog.

#5 solution for self sabotage, self-sabotage, or self-sabotaging

Here’s an important book unrelated to self sabotage. But M. Scott Peck’s view of discipline, love, and grace is essential to overcoming self-defeating behaviors. If you haven’t read The Road Less Traveled yet, now is the time!

The Road Less Traveled by M. Scott Peck, MD

#6 solution for self sabotage, self-sabotage, or self-sabotaging

Like the iNLP Center Facebook Page. This may be a shameless promotion, but you’ll get updates on new posts and research. We certify life coaches and teach Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Self-sabotage is a primary area of focus in our personal growth work.

The Most Important Thing

Don’t give up. I searched for 20 frustrating years for the answer to a simple question:

Why don’t people (myself included) apply what they already know?

Thanks, Nike. You’re right. Do it.

“Yeah, but that’s the problem, isn’t it?” I would reply. “No one is just doing it!”

That got some laughs, and then…nothing. I never pushed further, but the questions plagued me. Why don’t I just do it? What’s wrong with me? Will it ever be different?

The AHA Process to End Self-Sabotage Has Answers

At long last, I understand why we don’t apply what we already know. When I get in my own way, I can get out. And I know how to handle not wanting to get out of my own way. The solution to self-sabotage has changed my life (no, I’m not perfect). I hope your life will change, too (but don’t expect perfection).

Join us and watch our free video. I’ve put too many forms on this page, so this is your last chance:) See you on the other side.

Created by the iNLP Center, used in our NLP Life Coach Certification Online Training.

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